Spirits Uncorked: Under the Water
What is going on at Lake Lanier in Georgia? Apparitions, tragedies, & chilling encounters! Hosts (and sisters!), Elizabeth and Erica, uncork a bottle of wine and dive into the mysteries of Lake Lanier!
Spirits Uncorked: Under the Water
Episode 5 Teaser - "We finally talk about wine!"
In the next episode, we uncork a bottle with wine expert and local business owner, Bridget Elliot Brady of Wine and Whimseys in Tucker, GA! She shares her inspiration with us and gives tips for wine novices. We learn what wine pairs best with hauntings. And we have a GIVEAWAY! Listen to find out how to enter!
Digital artwork by Laura Horne
Theme song written/performed by Elizabeth Grimes
Theme song mixed/mastered by Billy Gewin
Episode 5 - We finally talk about wine!
Elizabeth: Next on Spirits Uncorked, we learn so much from local wine expert and business owner Bridget Elliott Brady of Wine and Whimsies in Tucker, Georgia. She shares her story with us and her philosophy for developing your palate.
Bridget: So liquid to lips was sort of again like what I wanted the shop to be. When you taste wine, it should, wine should be there to slow you down.
Elizabeth: We also talk about how to pair wine with the paranormal.
Bridget: I would be, and I would be like, what's up ghost? Because I wouldn't care at that point. So that's great.
Erica: And that's key.
Elizabeth: We do a giveaway. So don't miss the instructions on how to enter and win a great gift from Spirits Uncorked and Wine and whimsies.