Spirits Uncorked: Under the Water

Ep. 9 | The Natural and Supernatural Worlds of Lake Lanier

Elizabeth Grimes Season 1 Episode 9

In this episode of Spirits Uncorked, hosts and sisters uncork a bottle and explore the fascinating connection between the natural and supernatural worlds of Lake Lanier. From the diverse wildlife like birds, bats, and deer, to hidden underwater forests and mysterious creatures beneath the surface, uncover how nature intertwines with legend and folklore. How does the natural world hold the key to understanding unexplained phenomena? Join us as we uncover what nature knows - and what it might be trying to tell us.
And get to know Aria...Erica's beloved cat and oracle!

Digital artwork by Laura Horne
Theme song written/performed by Elizabeth Grimes
Theme song mixed/mastered by Billy Gewin

Episode 9

[00:00:00] Imagine you find yourself immersed in the natural splendor of Lake Lanier, Georgia. Sunlight filters through the canopy of trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground. The gentle lapping of waves against the shore creates a rhythmic melody, while birds soar gracefully above, their calls echoing across the water.

In the distance, a trout. breaks the surface with a sudden splash, and a white tailed deer darts through the underbrush, vanishing as quickly as it appeared. Surrounded by the wild beauty, you begin to notice subtle patterns in the environment. A gathering of crows forms an ominous circle in the sky. Bats flit around, weaving erratic paths above your head.

The rustling leaves seem to whisper secrets as the wind picks up, then falls silent, as if holding its breath. For a moment it feels as though the natural world and the supernatural have collided, meeting at a hidden crossroads. You pause, attuned to the whispers of the wilderness. [00:01:00] What do you hear in the soft rustle of branches, the flapping of wings, in the distant splash of What is it that the lake, the trees, and the creatures around you are trying to reveal?

Listen closely. Nature's messages are there, waiting to be understood. We are getting to the bottom of the Lake Lanier mystery. Dive in with us. Under the water. Under the water. All right, everybody, welcome to Spirits Uncorked. I'm Elizabeth. I'm Erica. And we are here talking about all the interesting, fascinating and mysterious things about Lake Lanier in Georgia.

And we do so while we're drinking wine. Today we have a really interesting show and I think it'll be really fun because we're going to be talking about all of the [00:02:00] wildlife at Lake Lanier and how that wildlife relates to the supernatural. So, because a lot of times animals have meaning out of folklore or mythology, things like that.

So that's what we're going to be discussing today. First thing is first. We're going to pour a glass of wine. Erika, what are you drinking? 

Erica: Las Paradisus Sauvignon Blanc. And it's from Argentina. Is it delicious? Yeah, I've already had like three glasses. This is just a different bottle. Okay. Ready. Had a long day at work today.

Oh, my gosh. 

All right. Well, let's see if we can get through this episode. 

Erica: It'll be fine. 

Okay. I am drinking decoy Cabernet Sauvignon. [00:03:00] Is that how you pronounce it? Sauvignon. Don't say the G. Sauvignon. Sauvignon. Okay. Cabernet Sauvignon. It's called decoy. 

Erica: I might be 

wrong people, so don't get 

Erica: mad 


Erica: me 

if I'm wrong, 

Erica: but go on.

The sole reason I got it was because it has a duck on it. I normally do not go for anything Cabernet because I don't enjoy red, but I'm trying to branch out and try new things and not just say I don't like that, so I'm not going to try it. Because I'm trying to take the advice of our wine expert. So, um, I'm trying things that I normally wouldn't try.

And, to tell you the truth, it's not, it's really not that bad, as far as Cabernets go, in my opinion. It's kind of, I don't, I don't know if this is the right word, but, earthy? 

Erica: I mean, I get it. It tastes like wood and a little bit of dirt mixed in. Well, you know, I did a wine tasting [00:04:00]earlier this week. Oh, that's right.

And I think that's called tannin, isn't it? When it's like, Oh, is that what it is? Tannin? Yeah. Yeah. It tastes like dirt. Fantastic. That's normally why I don't go for that. But actually, this one isn't as bad as I normally feel they are. So. 

Erica: I worry about bitterness with wine. I don't like bitterness, so sometimes reds can taste bitter to me, but I did that wine tasting.

I tried a Pinot Noir and a Cabernet. Both were good. Maybe I'm maturing. I actually bought It's bound to 

happen sooner or later. 

Erica: One day. And I bought a really cool bottle. Um, it was a white, it was a very dry, but. Next week, I will show it to you, and it's a really cool bottle, and it was delicious. 


Erica: So, that was a good tasting.

Mm, nice. 

So, our theme today is wildlife, [00:05:00] all kinds of wildlife, and Lake Lanier is just really a crazy ecosystem. Lots of stuff there. And then we're gonna, we're gonna talk about how that relates to the supernatural, because sometimes, I think that animals are more in tune. with the non physical world than we are.

So first of all, did you know that there are 240 bird species at Lake Lanier? There's hawks, ospreys, geese, of course, and then there's these, uh, green backed herons and great blue herons, and they have like six foot wingspans. So tons of birds there. There's tons of crows there. And then, um, for land animals, there's white tailed deer.

Wild turkeys, armadillos, armadillos, mm hmm. 

Erica: Oh, I want to see an armadillo 

They're a very rare to see but they are there Of course you have what's in the water, which is tons of [00:06:00] species of fish trout and catfish And of course, there's the catfish that are the size of cars. Are there sea monsters? 

Elizabeth: as the legend goes There are catfish the size of smart cars.

And one of the legends goes that in the 1980s, there was a chicken truck fell into the lake, and giant catfish were seen swallowing the chicken's whole. 

Erica: Okay. You wanted me to swim in that water, and I will not now. Well, you will, because I don't care if there's, like, soul sucking ghosts in there, but You got me with the smart car catfish.

Really? Come on. You know what my worst fear is, other than spiders? Being swallowed 

by a whale? 

Erica: Thank you.

It's a very [00:07:00] rational fear, by the way. 

Erica: It happened to these one people. 

Mm hmm. Jonah? 

Erica: Well, okay. Jonah, yeah. Everybody thinks, oh, that's a fun story to tell kids. And then, that's not gonna affect me. But no, there's been actual people swallowed by whales. And if there are catfish, and they're dirtier and less smart and probably just Well, they live in the 


I think they live in the mud, don't they? 

Erica: Yeah. 

They're pretty much, they make little mud holes at the bottom. 

Erica: Yeah. And people eat them too. I don't eat catfish. Yeah. And they eat people or chickens. 

I don't think that the, I don't think any of the Lake Lanier catfish have eaten people though. 

Erica: As of yet, until I get in there, then I'll be the one that makes the news.

Okay. I always go big. Yeah. Did you know that there's been alligators spotted in Lake Lanier? Really? Like, freshwater? Uh, so [00:08:00] actually, what they think it was, was somebody's pet. that got loose, or that they released into the lake. It was just like a tiny little alligator. Um, I don't think they ever caught it though, but it was, it was like a two to three foot long alligator.

And it was, you know, nobody was that afraid of it. 

Erica: Until it meets with a catfish and then you have a sea monster. There we go. 

Ooh, yes. Let's start that urban legend. The alligator and the catfish in Lake Lanier. 

Erica: Everybody, I saw it. It's real. I saw it. I saw it. It was there. I tried to swallow Erica. 

So the other cool thing about Lake Lanier is they have the Beaufort Dam.

It's on this, it's obviously really, really steep slope. And so to take care, to maintain the vegetation on that slope, they have what's called the Chew Crew, and it's goats. Yeah, so they just have, they have like a little [00:09:00] team of goats and they just live there and they just keep the vegetation down. And then they also, as part of the crew, they have a donkey who helps protect the goats from coyotes.

Erica: Oh my gosh, that's so cute! Isn't 

that funny? 

Erica: It's adorable. I don't like goats, but the donkey is cute. 

Yeah, yeah. So that's kind of a cool thing. So lots of wildlife out Lake Lanier. Of course, in the evening, lots of bats, lots of frogs, and the crows are everywhere. The crows circling above you see them all over, which kind of makes it Eerie.

Murder of crows. A murder of crows. You see them everywhere. So that's kind of the, um, what the wildlife looks like at Lake Lanier. Very diverse. 

Erica: What about snakes? I'm not afraid of snakes, but, ugh. Can you imagine if spiders could [00:10:00] swim? That would be a nightmare. 

Erika's nightmare, a, an alligator catfish hybrid in a lake of swimming spiders.

That sounds horrible. There's black rat snakes, decays brown snakes, water snakes, and there are copperheads. 

Erica: Okay, so copperheads are like the only, uh, poisonous ones. 


Erica: Well, that's not bad. I don't know if you remember when we were little. 

Yeah, I remember. You had these freakin garden snakes and then they would get out in the house.

Erica: Okay, but there was one time, I can't remember if it was you or Regina, I caught a garter snake and I put it in that space between my thumb and my pointer finger and I just had it bite me so it was dangling and then I chased one of you. 

It wasn't me because I would have lost my mind. 

Erica: I did that to Luke a couple of years ago and he screamed like it was hilarious.

Our [00:11:00] brother. Yeah. So another thing about the lake's ecosystem is the existence of these enormous trees. So there's trees, not just around the lake, but actually in the water submerged. So there's this old newspaper article from the fifties, and it has a huge picture of just a giant tree. And then it talks about why they're going to leave the trees.

some of the trees, not all of them, why they're going to leave some of the trees fully formed. And the reason is because they wanted it to be a safe place for the fish. So the fish would be safe in the branches and it would protect them from boat activity and, you know, human activity up on the surface of the water.

Erica: Like coral? 

Yeah, like coral. So that was kind of one of the reasons, behind why they left some of those big trees. 

Erica: But that [00:12:00] causes Yeah, okay. Yeah But on the other 

hand, I don't know if they, maybe they didn't think it through, but it causes a lot of accidents and drownings because swimmers don't know that that in some areas of the lake, you know, this underwater forest, and so they'll get out and they'll swim and they'll get caught and then or their boat will crash or, you know, something will go What happened with the motor or the propeller or something in these trees because people don't know that it's down there.

And then it also hinders like rescue search and rescue. 

Erica: Yeah. 

You know, just, it just creates a whole bunch of obstacles. So kind of a two sided coin there. And, uh, one of the documentaries, the, the most recent one that we talked about it, it was called Surviving Lake Lanier. And it talks about this woman's eyewitness account of when she was swimming in Lake Lanier and she had it almost drowned, she, a nearly drowning experience.

[00:13:00] And she said that when she went under the water, she saw the trees and she just remembers being so shocked to see the trees under the water. So that would be really creepy to see. I mean, you're in this, like, underwater forest. 

Erica: No, um, I think I had brought it up last time. Like, Thassophobia or whatever. Oh.

Where you're suddenly submerged and you're around by like giant things that you didn't know were there. You're suspended into nothingness. And then all of a sudden there's, I mean, they said that there's still buildings down there. There's huge trees down there. And then suddenly you're just alone in this space.

That's terrifying. 

Yeah. So we're talking about the different animals that have different meanings and mythology and what they represent. Right. And so one of the main Things at Lake Lanier, of course, is crows, which [00:14:00] have a tendency to, you know, they're known for having bad omens because they, they're like symbols of death.

They're all black. They feed on dead animals. And of course, if you see a certain number of crows flying, that signifies different things. So, for example, according to this website, which is called Birdzilla, Birdzilla. com If you see a pair of crows, then that means harmony and good news. If you see three, it means good health.

If you see four, that's fortune and affluence. So up to four, you're good. Up to four crows, everything's fine. Now five signals illness or poor health, taking over the household. Six, Potential robbery, and seven, indicate that you should travel or move in the near future. That's so [00:15:00] specific. And then eight, eight is grief and sorrow.

And then a whole flock of them means that death is coming. 

Erica: I mean, I see a flock of them all the time, so. I mean, death is approaching all of us. 

Um, I'm 

Erica: going 

You want to get philosophical about it. 

Erica: Yeah. 

And you can also, if you see crows in your dreams, that also signifies different things. 

Erica: Yeah. 

So, for example, Oh, okay.

So in your dream, if you see one crow, that's a bad omen, death or misfortune. 

Erica: And I know that like, I've always been extremely into dreams and sometimes you just feel very compelled by the colors or feelings and that can provide context. Like you could dream about a certain thing that feels super symbolic, but actually the only thing you cared about was the color of this person's shirt or, [00:16:00] Um, a feeling that you had.

And that is the most significant thing. 


Erica: so that's 

what you focus the meaning around. I 

Erica: mean, that's what it's about. 

Oh, and bats too. There's a lot of bats. I'm not afraid of bats. I kind of am because they're so fast and creepy. And they drink blood. Only certain ones do. Most of them are fruit bats.

Which I feel is, uh, disturbing. Let me look at 

Erica: bats. Actually, uh, Bat animal means the use of spiritual intuition in all aspects of life. Intuitive. 


Erica: I wouldn't think of bats necessarily as intuitive. They just kind of seem like, like, almost like chickens. Like, just fly and I gotta get out of here.

Flying chickens. 

So now let's talk about the sixth [00:17:00] sense that cats or dogs have because they're very well known to have that. So cats are, they're worshipped or they were worshipped by the Egyptians. They were the guardians of the afterlife. So what do you think about cats? Tell me about, you have, you have a very special cat.

We want to hear about your cat, what does she, what does she tell you about the afterlife Everything. 

Erica: Aria! Come here! 

Look at Aria. Because actually, I, there's a, there's three, there's three things that you can use to tell if your cat is, um, is supernatural. So the first one is, alright. If your cat appears flustered at the name of Grimalkin.

Erica: Grimalkin! 

She meowed. She did? She did. Okay, so Grimalkin is an Irish cat monstrosity from centuries [00:18:00] before who may or may not be of the aforementioned shape shifting witches. 

Erica: She came when called because she's my baby. Grimalkin. Grimalkin. Grimalkin. Grimalkin. But I think she's over it now. 

Okay, well, you might be okay then.

She doesn't seem too concerned with it. Okay, so the other thing is, if you, have you ever caught a glimpse of cats congregating and they appear too well organized? 

Erica: No. 

Okay, because if so. I really haven't. If so. then it's, it's a good chance that they're having a cat court session because cats of course have a very common legal code by which they must all abide.

So if a cat violates these parameters then they have to have a cat court. So if [00:19:00] you see cats assembled and they're, you know, and they're like too well organized to be cats, then there's probably something supernatural going on. 

Erica: I was thinking that reminded me of Lion King. 

Oh, yeah. 

Erica: So a couple of times, I have these moon oracle cards that I've had Aria pull.



Erica: I'll have her, her tab. Just a reminder, 

listeners, Aria is the cat. Okay, continue. 

Erica: She has literally pulled stuff that I wish I had. 

Hold on, just, just to make it clear, you're talking about your cat 

Erica: pulling 


Erica: She taps her little paw and then I pull the card. Okay. And then, um, I actually have a video of it and I have pictures of the cards that she's pulled.

They're like moon oracle cards and they always, Actually match her vibe so perfectly and I had Kaya do it once and it matched her vibe perfectly too. Kaya is [00:20:00] very, uh, kind of derpy and happy and then Aria is kind of like existential crisis. It's so funny, but um, I've had her, you know, I am just your typical single cat lady.

not, you said it wrong. You're a childless cat lady. I 

Erica: can't remember all the things. I have a cat. I'm single. I have no boyfriend or husband or children. What do you want from me? I have my cat pull Oracle cards. I'm sorry. And we're happy. We're very happy. We're 

very happy together. You know, you're in another state.

You're far away. It's good to think of my sister. She's being taken care of. At least she's got her cat and they have great evenings together. Most of you guys do. 

Erica: We watch TikTok [00:21:00] videos. What kind of TikTok videos do you watch? So Aria's favorites are

cups, where they put the, the melon balls of sand and they tap, tap, tap, tap, tap really fast. They speed it up and it's like, 

Okay. So you're saying that your cat Aria likes to, I'm just making sure, likes to watch TikTok videos of Melon ball sand. 

Erica: Yeah. Getting dumped into a cup. And then there's like this metal or a wooden little flat thing that goes around and flattens it out.

Okay. And each melon ball is a different color. So it's crazy. That sounds exciting. Well, tell us about little Emily. 

Emily is old. She's our cat and she's not interesting. She's not cuddly. And she doesn't really. Little lumpy [00:22:00] old cat. He just eats her food in the morning and then we don't really see her again until, you know, she decides to, um, wake me up the next morning to be fed.

I usually find her and 

Erica: hold her and then she's upset. 

She's been a good cat, for the most part. Except for when she scratched our nephew when he was just a baby. Scratched him in the face. 

Erica: You really held on to that for a long 

time. I, it took me 10 years to forgive her. She scratched, he was just a baby. He was so excited to meet the kitty cat.

Erica: I know. Ethan 

was just a little cutie. She scratched him in the face and he cried and broke his heart. So, it took me, it took me about a decade to forgive her, but I've forgiven her. We've moved past it. I mean, look, time heals all wounds. Ethan is in college now.  

Erica: I know, 

he's literally a whole adult. He's recovered, so.

I'll give the cat a second chance in her, [00:23:00] in her golden years.

Let that be a lesson to you. Don't cross me. It takes a long time for me to bury the hatchet. 

Erica: She holds grudges, people. I do. I really, 

really do. Like, 

Erica: it's a problem. That is full effect. Full effect. 

So, anyways, no, but I, you know, she's a good cat. I don't think that she's ever, um, let me know anything supernatural is going on.

I don't know. She tells me when she wants a chip. 

Erica: Well, there was one time where Aria in my old place, when I lived in a townhouse in Nebraska, she was staring at the ceiling for the longest time, and I was throwing pillows at her, and I was like, Stop. Like, just stop it. Like, stop. I didn't hurt her people.

It was soft. But, like, she wouldn't stop. And then, eventually, I actually hit her with the pillow. She was like, and then she jumped [00:24:00] down. I have a video of this actually. So I have proof and she got down on the floor and was still staring at the ceiling. 

That is weird. 

Erica: And there was no moth. There was no bug.

I looked, I was right there. I was like, Is there a spiderweb? Is there a moth, a bug, whatever? She really was, and I just had a video of her of like, what is wrong with you and why is it that I can distract you with everything and you're still not letting go? 


Erica: I mean, obviously animals are so much more perceptive than people are.

I literally do sometimes feel like she protects me because she likes to lay on me all the time and I'm like, what are you protecting me from? You're saving me somehow. Yeah. Um, like she, like she is this ancient Egyptian cat who's like, I put a lot into this narrative. And she's 

probably reincarnated from the ancient [00:25:00] Egyptians.

She's probably reincarnated. That feels right. 

Erica: That feels 

right. And I mean, a lot of animals are extremely perceptive and can, they can predict, uh, all kinds of medical events. And then there's all these studies coming out now where animals can predict natural disasters, tsunamis, earthquakes, and dogs can 

Erica: smell cancer.

They can people 

answer, they can like predict seizures. In fact, they've got this study coming out in, it's either China or Japan and the snakes are so right on in predicting earthquakes. They can predict, snakes can predict an earthquake or they can sense an earthquake 70 miles away, three to five days before it happens.

So they're actually doing studies to use that as early warning systems instead [00:26:00] of like, you know, because it's better than technology. 

Erica: I mean, that's kind of their whole thing. They're just in the ground, reading the ground. The electromagnetic energy is coming through. And as animals with their primal instincts, They're reading it and it's becoming, I mean, it's exactly what we're saying about energy coming through from the earth.

People talking about grounding themselves, people talking about seeing a replay of history or hauntings. Energy is just constant and it never goes away. 

It never goes away. Tsunamis and stuff. They've been, there's reports going back to like ancient times of the animals going inland inexplicably. 

Erica: You know, 

all the animals, all the herds and everything, they're going inland, just completely out of their pattern, and then a natural disaster happens, you know, days later, and [00:27:00] that's what it is, you know, that's what they believe it's, they're doing is they're picking up on something that even technology can't pick up on, even, you know, the best attuned human beings can't pick up on, but animals can.

Erica: I mean, they've recently come out that Octopus and squid, they all have feelings and knowing and understanding. So they're sentient beings now. Yeah. Right. And so it's like 

Elephants are the among the most highly emotional and That's why Dumbo makes me 

Erica: want to kill myself. Oh my 

gosh. Disney First trauma ever.

I'm gonna sue Disney. They have traumatized me so many times. They've destroyed my life. I cannot watch that. Dumbo, 

Erica: Bambi, Fox and the Hound. I might as well just 

You know what you shouldn't do? You shouldn't just give birth and then listen to the song Baby Mine. [00:28:00] That's what I did. Bad! I was just sobbing my brains out holding my first born baby.

My hormones are trying to kill me. That almost ended my life. I was like 

Erica: Dumbo is the worst movie of, 

like, all the time. It's really, really horrific. I 

Erica: mean, Pinocchio is bad. Oh, 

that is trippy. Yeah, I think we need to start a class action lawsuit against Disney. Like, this is Literally, they destroyed 

Erica: Gen X and Millennials.

And Gen Z gets to opt out of this, but we were all 

watching this. I know! My kids are nine and ten. Uh, they have never seen half of the Disney movies. Because, first of all, they have no interest. And then Toy Story, that I was I was old when Toy Story came out, but that still wrecked me, because I still loved all my toys, and I thought they were alive.

Erica: Me and Brie. You don't even want to know. [00:29:00] You don't even want me to get a Toy Story and what we thought was going on. It was 

creepy. Do you want to tell me or you want to just save it for another time? We 

Erica: were just convinced that, cause mom had all of her old dolls out on the, all of her dolls. I did not think they had.

Bad personalities. They 

weren't demons. They were just dolls that you thought might be alive. The only bad 

Erica: doll was one of mine. I want to say I called her Robin, but there's like one night, I'm pretty sure that I felt like she was at my door, reaching under the door. And I felt like she was trying to get me.

Could have been a bad dream, but I always was afraid of her. Most people, I guess, are afraid of dolls because I just moved some of my dolls [00:30:00] into my friend Claire's storage unit. And I was like, well, here's three rucksacks, a bag of magazines, and a flak vest, and a helmet. And then here's a box of Precious and Josefina and all of my dolls and all of their clothes.

And then they're just like, oh, that's really creepy. And I'm like, no, it's not. I feel like a lot of people are like, Oh, they're in scary movies. It's just like a cool thing to be afraid of dolls. Like shut up. Don't tell me you didn't love your dolls. Yeah, just stop it. Yeah, just everybody stop. Like with this.

Oh my God, you had a doll. That's so creepy. That's what I keep getting from people these days. I'm like, shut up. Ridiculous. I love my dolls. I grew up with Barbies and American girl dolls. I loved dolls. Cabbage Patch, sorry. Cabbage patch. Yes. People are so weird. It's like, uh, when I was little, I would go to, uh, the [00:31:00] Shriner's Circus And there was clowns I loved clowns.

Yeah, I get it. I get it. People don't like clowns now everything that used to be fun They've turned into like a horror show And now I feel like everybody's like, oh i'm so afraid of clowns. Oh, i'm so afraid of dolls and it's like You No, you weren't, though, when you were little, because you liked them when you were little.

Stop. Except for Bubbles, who was the clown in Garfield, and he was awful. It 

wasn't Bubbles, it was Bozo. 

Erica: You're right. Hello. I have, I still have, I have You're okay, you're 

so young. 

Erica: I have the comics! 

You're so young. You don't even know Bozo the Clown from Garfield. Uh, do you know the dog's name? 

Erica: Yes. 


Erica: Shut up! No, yes I do! Odie! Oh. And then who was, who was the little gray cat? Nermal. Uh, Nermal! Yeah! [00:32:00]

You don't 

Erica: know! 

What country did Garfield mail Nermal to? Always. 

Erica: You don't 

know. You're not a, you're not a real millennial. 

Erica: Stop! I, I 

read You're not a real elder millennial. What country did Garfield Male, normal to.

Erica: Yemen, India. 

You are breaking my heart. 

Erica: I can't remember. 

Abu Dhabi. 

Erica: Oh, hey, I've been there, and that's a city. 

Oh, well. 

Erica: It's a 


Erica: Abu Dhabi is a city. What country is it in? It's in, um, I definitely have been there. 

Where is Abu Dhabi? So that was my second deployment, not my first deployment. It's in Abu Dhabi, it's the capital of UAE, United Arab [00:33:00] Emirates.

Oh my gosh, I did not realize that. They should do a reboot of Garfield where Garfield watches TikTok videos. So, uh, does Kaya, does your dog, I know she's really old and she's, she's given you warnings before of supernatural things, but has she done anything lately or she just kind of, is she done? Has her time kind of, she's, she's reached her peak.

Erica: You know, I love her so much, but she's just a little ding dong and she can hardly find her way to her food bowl. 


Erica: I don't think she can see or hear. Yeah. Part of me thinks the cat is like helping her out. 


Erica: I kind of thought 

that too about my cat and my old baby girl who just passed away not too long ago.

But it's so hard when they get to that stage because you can just feel it coming and it's just like such impending doom. [00:34:00] It's really, yeah, it's hard. Well, our dog does not signal anything to us ever, because he's kind of, uh, Oh, 

Erica: Charlie. 

Charlie, he's our little rescue dog from Puerto Rico, and I literally picked him up off the streets.

I might as well picked him up out of a dumpster, because that's what he looks like. He does. It makes him so 

Erica: endearing, but he's such a little sh too. He 

literally looks like you just picked him up out of the garbage can and took him home. He does. That's basically what I did. He really bonded with my oldest son, and oh my gosh, they just, they have, they are each other's person.

Erica: Aww. So, 

it's really sweet to see. So I'm glad we stuck through that really hard period of when you first get a dog. Yeah. There, it's, it's good to see when, when your kid's got a connection with an animal. 

Erica: But no, that's good for him. [00:35:00] I had a ferret for the first seven years. I got Phoebe when I was seven years old and she lived until I was about like 15 or 16 years old.


Erica: She smelled. I know. Okay. What I didn't know when I got her is you should have multiple ferrets. Oh really? Yes, they need bonding. So she was very dependent on me, which actually was okay because I was homeschooled and I literally did spend all my time with her. 

I'm seeing a pattern here. So little nerdy homeschooled Erica with her ferret and now little Erica with her, her childless cat lady era.

Erica: Yes, it 

is. Oh my gosh, that reminds me. Okay. Erica, we are going to Taylor Swift, coming up, like it's not that far away. 

Erica: And now we have to figure out what to wear, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. 

I don't have anything, but I do know [00:36:00] that I, I'm a, I know that I'm reputation. Hear me out. Okay. Black leggings, cut one of the leggings off.

Erica: That's 

honestly super smart. 

Erica: It's gonna be fun. We're going, we're going all in. It's gonna be, it's gonna 

be great, it's gonna be great. I mean, this is like, it's Right in tune with you childless cat lady. 

Erica: Yes, perfect. Going to see the childless 

cat lady goddess. I know that's great and And here we are talking about animals in their sixth sense.

So, and you're, you're right there because you've got Aria, who's like an oracle. She tells you what cards to pick. She tells you what TikToks to watch. She literally looked up at me. It's, it's nice to see the two of you together. Oh, look, she's coming over to you. 

Erica: Walk over here so I can pick you up. 

She's like, when will death come?

Erica: Let 

me, please let me see four crows so I can see my impending death [00:37:00] come. She's gonna take you with her when she goes. 

Erica: Honestly, yes, that's literally what's gonna happen. 

I think Arya is gonna go first. Sorry, honey. Hopefully. 

Erica: Please don't eat me, you fatty. 

And then she overfeeds her cat from then on. 

Erica: Well, actually, Arya can free eat.

She just eats whenever she wants. I never, 

yeah, I 

Erica: don't know what the rules are. So I just leave food out for her all the time. She just. knows there's food available. Yeah, yeah. So she might not eat my body. 

Unlike a catfish who might eat you. If you come, if you come to Lake Lanier and you swim in Lake Lanier, then maybe a catfish might eat you.


Erica: swallow me the size of a smart car. 

Although all the reports are is that they've eaten chickens, not humans. So you might be overreacting a little. I'm just saying, I'm just saying we're, this [00:38:00] show is about keeping an open mind, Erica. And I feel like you're kind of being closed minded when it comes to the catfish.

By saying, I'm not gonna swim because, oh, there's catfish the size of smart cars. I think that's being a little close minded. 

Erica: Okay, well, I will swim with, like, gloves that have knives on the end of them. We'll work out the problem. 

If you go to Lake Lanier, and you're on a boat, and you're just looking out at that landscape, with the water, and the trees, and the sky, I mean, honestly?

Erica: Oh, I'm sure it's beautiful. I don't doubt that for a 

second. I have been talking to local people here, okay, and we are gonna have some of them on a future episode and I'm really excited because they are, they are saying some stuff about their experiences and their experiences are real and everybody that I've talked to have said, look, You come to Lake Lanier, you hear, you hear these stories of a haunted past, but [00:39:00] you come with an open mind and pure motives and you might experience something, but it doesn't feel malicious.

It doesn't feel scary. That's 

Erica: good. 


Erica: We are just giving the historical facts and what's going on. People got to make up 

their own minds. That's why we're doing this podcast together. You and me girl and your cat 

Erica: and my cat and go online and purchase tickets for a linear. Ghost tours. It's almost Halloween, so it's filling up.

It is filling 

up. It is a family friendly tour because we do talk about history. We do talk about wildlife. We do talk about, uh, about water safety. And we also make it fun. And we intertwine historical fact with local legends and lore. It's perfect for Halloween. It's perfect for the spooky season. It's perfect for your families.

And right now you can get a 10 percent off promo code. [00:40:00] If at checkout. So go to linearghosttours. com. Buy your tickets at checkout. Put in this promo code. L G T. Halloween things. Exclamation. Follow us on Instagram, follow us on TikTok, follow us on Facebook, and it's Linear Ghost Tours for all of it. And we want to hear your haunted stories, your supernatural stories.

We want to hear about when your dog was trying to alert you to something, six, Since we want to hear all of that. We want to hear about nature trying to tell you something. We want to hear it. So please either make a video and tag us, put a video in our comments, put a story in our comments, DM us anything we want to hear it.

Well, that's our show for today. And I do hope that, um, we hope we brought some thought and some mindfulness to nature and the supernatural because they are intertwined [00:41:00] and you know take a minute next time you're outside next time you're around animals and just maybe try to be what touch grass yes yeah grass take a page from erica's book learn what tick tocks your cat likes

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