Spirits Uncorked: Under the Water
What is going on at Lake Lanier in Georgia? Apparitions, tragedies, & chilling encounters! Hosts (and sisters!), Elizabeth and Erica, uncork a bottle of wine and dive into the mysteries of Lake Lanier!
Spirits Uncorked: Under the Water
Episode 11 Teaser - "Learning about 'The Town Under the Lake' with Tina"
Tina recounts several unexplainable experiences on Lake Lanier before learning the truth about Oscarville from a friends grandmother. She tells us she believes her experiences may be related to spirits, whether descendants of Oscarville, or otherwise.
Thank you Tina for sharing your perspective with us! Don't miss Episode 11 of Spirits Uncorked.
www.LanierGhostTours.com for 10% off at checkout through Oct, enter code: LGTHalloweenThings!
Thanks to our Guests for sharing their stories and perspectives!!!
-You can hear some of Zac's music here.
-Thank you Tina and daughter, @no_one_special1977
-And check out Alyse's fantastic TikTok content! @AlyseonTikTok
Tom Hanks discusses the Tulsa Massacre here.
"Blood at the Root" by Patrick Phillips
Digital artwork by Laura Horne
Theme song written/performed by Elizabeth Grimes
Theme song mixed/mastered by Billy Gewin
Episode 11 Teaser "Learning about 'The Town Under the Lake' with Tina"
Tina: [00:00:00] Now I grew up around a lot of African American friends, you know, about 14, 15, I was over at my friend's house and her grandmother started telling me stories about Oscarville, you know, the, the town under the lake, that's what she called it, the town under the lake. And just called her Granny V. I guess this is where I got my sense of social injustice, you know, of everything I was told about this.
And I'm like, wow, this is, this town was ran out because of that, this horrible thing that happened to this person, which, you know, I feel really bad for the lady that it happened to. I truly do. But, you know, back in those days, you just said the word "black man" and lynch mob, you know, I learned a lot of my beliefs and my dislikes from this woman who went through it.
To this [00:01:00] day, I cannot stand seeing someone bullied. I cannot stand people calling other people these horrible names.
Elizabeth: So after these things happen to you and you had those experiences, do you feel like the two are connected?
Tina: I believe that spirits act out in a way to let you know that they're here.
They may not necessarily be there to do you harm, but if it was a, you know, someone from Oscarville, a descendant of Oscarville, ancestor, whatever you want to call it, and they were coming to me, maybe they were just trying to let me know, hey, we're still here. This is what happened to us. We're still here.
Acknowledge us. So now anytime I go near Lake Lanier, I make sure that I say a prayer and I just say [00:02:00] thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for allowing me to learn your history. I mean you no harm. Please do me no harm.