Spirits Uncorked: Under the Water

Ep. 13 | Sisters Uncorked

Elizabeth Grimes Season 1 Episode 13

On this episode of Spirits Uncorked, we have a very special guest...our third sister, Regina! Join us for a fun discussion of sisters drinking wine and uncovering hauntingly embarrassing stories. Regina shares her thoughts on Lake Lanier and all things spooky. Uncork a bottle with us on SISTERS Uncorked!

www.LanierGhostTours.com for 10% off at checkout through Oct, enter code: LGTHalloweenThings!


Digital artwork by Laura Horne
Theme song written/performed by Elizabeth Grimes
Theme song mixed/mastered by Billy Gewin

Ep. 13 | Sisters Uncorked

Elizabeth: [00:00:00] Imagine sitting around the table with your siblings, the laughter and memories flowing as you recount stories from your shared childhood. Now add a dash of mystery, some paranormal intrigue, and a glass of wine. Today on Spirits Uncorked, Elizabeth and Erica introduce a very special guest, our third sister, Regina.

For the first time, all three sisters come together to chat about everything, from spooky experiences to embarrassing moments. Regina also shares her thoughts on Lake Lanier. and Lanier Ghost Tours. So let's get to the bottom of this episode. Dive in with us. All right. Hi everybody and welcome to Spirits Uncorked.

My name is Elizabeth and I am here with my sister [00:01:00] Erica. Say hi Erica. And we have a very special guest today, our sister, Regina, say hi, Gina. 

Regina: Hi, Gina. Haha. Thank you for having me. 

Elizabeth: So Regina is here because she's filling in last minute. She's such a good sister. We had a guest scheduled, but something happened at the last moment.

And. They couldn't make it. So Regina decided to fill in for us. And we're so happy to have her. 

Regina: My first time ever doing a podcast. I listened to them, of course. But I've never been a guest. 

Elizabeth: We can always depend on our sister. 

Regina: That's right. There were never such devoted sisters. 

Elizabeth: So, uh, first thing that we do is we pour a glass of wine.

So, or whatever, whatever. 

Erica: I have royally failed during our podcasting adventures and sometimes I don't have, but this is [00:02:00]considered a spirit. Okay. Um, some Jose Cuervo. That's, that's some serious spirit. Yeah. So, um, I just really could not get to the store. So I'm gonna pour myself a shot. 

Regina: Okay. Um, 

Erica: we can say thank you to our cousin Renee.

She gave this to me. 

Regina: Yes, yes, she did last weekend. 

Erica: Nice. And Beth, I'm drinking it out of a shot glass from Ecuador. Oh, cool. 

Elizabeth: Did I send that to you? Oh, nice.

Erica: Yeah, you gave it to me

Regina: I am drinking my spirit. Oh, you can't see it. I think I got this glass from Elizabeth. It's Friends, like the Friends TV show.

I think she got me these wine glasses. Wasn't you?

Elizabeth:  Might have been. And tell us, what is it that you're drinking, Regina? 

Regina: Well, I wanted to feel like I fit in, so I got one of the twins [00:03:00] juice boxes, stabbed it, and then poured it in here so I could be part of the group. It looks like wine. 

Erica: It looks like wine.

Regina: I do not have any wine right now. I just, I've been, it's not 

Elizabeth: Regina is not a big wine drinker at all. 

Regina: I'm not and I've really been working on my health and wellness on my Peloton and there's been no alcohol. 

Erica: Oh my God. Good for you. Like everything you just said made me want to puke.

Regina: I'm working on my health and wellness. I've been working really hard because last weekend we all met in Virginia Beach. With our cousin Renee for our cousin Stacey's wedding and I worked hard for the dress that I wore. 

Elizabeth: Yeah, your dress was super sexy. You looked beautiful. 

Erica: Thank you. What are you drinking Beth?

Elizabeth: Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah, I am drinking. I just happened to have this. [00:04:00] I'm, pathetic too today. Okay, so, it's, it's literally, it's just this, a Sutter Home Sweet red, and it's in this little tiny plastic bottle because, um, they were just left over from an event. And I just took like three of them home. And that was all I had in the house.

So that is what I'm drinking. Literally, it's just called sweet red. 

Erica: Nice.  

Erica:  bottom's up. 

Elizabeth: Yeah, bottom's up. So, cheers everybody. 

Regina: I have a feeling her tequila's gonna do more damage than my juice box. 

Elizabeth: Did you drink that whole shot, Erica?  

Erica: No I'm not insane. I have no lime, I have no juice, I have nothing to chase this with, so.

Regina: You are my hero. I hate tequila. 

Elizabeth: Me too.

Erica: I can smell it.
Regina: I can smell it too, and I am I know, right? A couple thousand miles [00:05:00] away. 

Elizabeth: So today we are talking, since we've got Regina here, we thought we would go over some of our favorite Halloween memories from our childhoods. 

Regina: So I remember, I can't remember what year it was, Early, I mean, I was, I think I had just grown out of the stage where it was acceptable for me to dress up and go out.

But Halloween was canceled that year in Nebraska because we got that terrible snowstorm. We were, people were without power. We didn't go to school for several days. It was like it had iced. And then after it iced, it was like this heavy, wet snow and It just, we canceled Halloween. Do you remember that? You would have been young enough to.

Erica: It was 1996 and I have a picture of it because all of the streets were shut down. That's, yeah, and me and mom built a really, really tall snowman and then the neighborhood boys knocked it over and peed on it. [00:06:00] Ew. Of course they did. Dad was really mad and he was like gonna kill them or something. 

Elizabeth: We would always go over to our grandma Valencia's house Or she would come over to our house and then we would drive over to grandma, our other grandma's house so that they could see our costumes.

Regina: I remember that. And I still will take the twins to grandma Daugherty's on Halloween. Yeah. 

Elizabeth: What were our favorite Halloween costumes as children that we remember? 

Regina: Didn't you dress up as a gypsy one year? 

Elizabeth: I did. That was before we, that was before we knew what cultural appropriation was. We know what that is now.

Regina: Yes. Yeah. 

Elizabeth: It was like, I was trying to be like a fortune teller or something. So I had like. So I had that sort of look on with like handkerchiefs. And I remember I put on, I wasn't allowed to wear makeup because I was little, but I was, I could wear eye makeup for that costume. And then when I washed it [00:07:00] off, it didn't all come off.

So then when I went to school the next day, I had a little bit of eye makeup still on and everyone was like, Oh, you look so pretty. You should wear makeup all the time. You look so pretty. And I'm like, well, I guess I'm just ugly if I don't have mascara on. 

Erica: Well, that's just kind of how it is once you're an adult.

If I don't wear makeup to work, everyone's like, what's wrong? Are you okay? Did you sleep at all? Like, no, just leave me alone. 

Regina: If you had to pick one makeup. Though, which would it be?
Elizabeth: Mascara

Regina me too.  

Elizabeth: Because you don't have  eyelashes if you don't have mascara on. 

Regina: We, we don't.

Erica does. We don't. 

Elizabeth: Mm mm-Hmm. . 

Regina: Mm-Hmm. . 

Elizabeth: Yeah. 

Regina: I remember dressing up as a pirate. 

Elizabeth: That's the picture that I have. You're wearing a pirate patch. You're wearing a pirate patch. I'm wearing bunny ears, so I must have been a bunny. And Erica was a little bitty baby. She was so fat. She was fat in a little [00:08:00] diaper. 

Erica: Okay. But I have a picture. I think, Regina, you're like a scarecrow. And I was rainbow bright. Yeah, either you or Beth was a scarecrow. 

Elizabeth: I think it was me who was a scarecrow. Somebody was a scarecrow. 

Erica: Yeah. And I have no memory. Someone was a black cat.

Regina: I was the black cat. That sounds familiar. Okay. I was the black cat.

Elizabeth: And before you were rainbow bright, Erica, that was my costume. Yeah. And I had the, uh, rainbow bright mask on. It was one of those really, you know, plastic masks that are, it's, it's got a, like a elastic band around your head. 

Regina: They don't, they don't make them anymore. 

Elizabeth: Cause you can't breathe in them.

But, uh, I remember I was really proud of it. And then I walked into show dad, and I just remember him laughing and go, her eyes are in her hair because the eyes have to be up here. Yeah, that's where her hair is. And [00:09:00] then I guess I didn't realize that. But I was like, Oh, that is dumb. Like made me feel like this was a dumb costume.

I was like, that's dumb. Why did they put her eyes in her hair? And then you wear those like plastic smocks that just say Rainbow Bride on them. 

Regina: Right. So, costumes have come a long way in the last 30 years. 

Erica: Like, we kinda look, you know, like old fashioned pictures of Halloween. They look really creepy. I'm not gonna lie, when we have our masks on, we look creepy.

Yeah. It looks so like old fashioned now. 

Elizabeth: Yeah, because I mean, even that picture that I've got, it's the cover for this episode and just our living room. It looks so dated, just like the carpet and the fireplace and the plants and just like the whole everything about it. 

Regina: Do you want to know what was always so frustrating for me about Halloween?

So we're from Nebraska, and October 31st is very, [00:10:00] very cold. So you go all out, and it's even frustrating to me now with my own kids, you spend all this money on these costumes, and then you have to pile on 

Elizabeth: a coat, 

Regina: and a hat, and gloves in order to, so I found what I've tried to do now, like with my own kids, is get like the one piece outfits.

Get a size big pile on layers underneath. Um, yeah, just so they, their costumes can be seen and enjoyed. 

Elizabeth: Yeah. 

Regina: Yeah. 

Elizabeth: I'm trying to remember other costumes that we were, 

Erica: um, I have a picture of me in a cheerleading outfit and it's like an American one, like America. Oh, how cute. I do remember that. I remember that too.

This was probably around the time I was going to cheer camp with you guys every year. So it's probably why. 

Regina: Yes, I feel like and maybe this wasn't even Halloween, but I have this picture in my head of you dressed up like Cinderella like you were scrubbing the floor, [00:11:00] but maybe we're just really 

Erica:  me or Beth?

Elizabeth: Grandma Valencia and I would play Cinderella at her house. And I would just wash dishes for fun because I was being Cinderella. And there's a picture of me standing at her sink, like, washing the dishes, like, I'm Cinderella. 

Regina: Like, with your hair wrapped back. Yeah, like, 

Elizabeth: like in a handkerchief or something.

Regina: Mmm. 

Elizabeth: What, what is everybody's favorite scary movie?

Regina: Go ahead, Erica. You're the queen of scary movies.

Erica:  Um, Signs is probably in my top five favorite, but it's, I don't find it super scary. So like a scarier one, I really like the Insidious movies. The first one I think is scary.

Elizabeth: The first one terrified me so bad, Insidious.

Have you seen that Regina? No, you haven't, have [00:12:00] you? 

Regina: No. And you know why too. 

Elizabeth: Have you seen any scary movies, Regina? 

Regina: So I'm going to tell a story, and you'll remember because you were there. I 

Elizabeth: Cried at I am legend. 

Regina: I didn't cry. I wanted to cry. 

Elizabeth: I am legend. I Is that what, is that the story you were going to say?

Regina: Yes!

Elizabeth: I knew it. 

Regina: Since I was young, I have been super sensitive to scary movies, like I would have bad dreams since I was a young child. And you came with me to see I am legend.  

Elizabeth: And you didn't handle it well. 

Regina: I didn't handle it well. I ended up leaving the theater. And then I had horrible bad nightmares for two whole nights.

And it's just, like, one of those things. So I just don't really, I mean, I've watched, like, the Scream movies, but those to me are just stupid scary.

Erica: Well, they're funny.

Regina: Yeah, and [00:13:00] not actually scary. But, um, and plus I like Courtney Cox and what have you, but, Yeah, I just, I have not seen all the movies that you are talking about.

I mean, to me, to me, a scary movie is like arachnophobia, like my 16 year old son. And I watched that not too long ago. And I'm like, you know, the whole time. 

Elizabeth: Yeah, no, 

Erica: I still have to like, look at the popcorn that I'm about to put in my mouth because of that scene where they just like what that movie ruined me I know you have arachnophobia 

Elizabeth: see this is what one of these things is not like the other because Regina doesn't like horror or scary and she doesn't she's not interested in wine or like cocktails or anything so this is why Erica and I do the podcast and Regina listens to it.

Erica: That's so true. 

Regina: Listen, I love me a good [00:14:00] cocktail. I just don't drink them at home. 

Erica: Yeah. Yeah. Um, I remember for Christmas at Grandma Daugherty's house, we watched A haunted or something. And it has Catherine Zeta Jones in it. I did not sleep. I had to sleep on mom and dad's floor for like, days. It, I mean, I was nine years old.

And then after that, mom was like, Okay, well, whenever they watch movies at Grandma Daugherty's , Erica and I will leave. And I'm like, now we've ruined everything. 

Regina: Right. You know, Ethan made me watch, um, I don't know. What's the name of that movie where the clown lives in the sewer?

Erica: It?

Regina: Yeah, he made me watch that.

Elizabeth: Oh, 

Erica:  I'm surprised you watched that. 

Elizabeth: I cannot watch it because I know that the little boy dies at the beginning. So I know that that happens. So I can't watch anything where I know a little boy is going to die. [00:15:00] I can't do it. Yeah, little girl's fine. I don't care. The little girls can die. 

Regina: Is that because we have sons?

Elizabeth: We have little boys and I can't stand, I connect too deeply with the little boy. 

Regina: So let me tell you this, you know, we have that pumpkin patch nearby. 

Elizabeth: Yeah. 

Regina: And, and they do extensive scary things. Like you have to pay a separate price just to go at night. So one year, Erica came, because Erica loves that kind of stuff, and she took my oldest, my now 18 year old, but she also took my second child.

I told this story on our last podcast, but keep going, 

Erica: I'll tell your side of it. 

Regina: So I asked Zach, are you sure you want to go? Yes, yes, yes. He wants to go. He wants to hang out with Erica. He wants to be with his older brother, whatever. And they, Erica pays the price, whatever it was, or maybe, I don't know if I gave you money, whatever, to get him in.

And it's [00:16:00] expensive.

Erica:  And there's line for everything.  

Regina: Yeah, and there's lines for everything and within half an hour and he bailed and I had to drive all the way out to the country to get him. 

Erica: Regina, he didn't just bail. He took off running so far and so fast and then I was having a heart attack because they were still young.

Like, I don't want you to get killed. Kidnapped and he's just gone out of my sight. And so I remember I told Ethan, I was like, stay here. Don't get taken. And then I had to run out and 

Regina: I, and I had to come get him. 

Erica: Yeah, he, I honestly thought when he took off running that he was just kidding. I didn't, I thought he was just being goofy, and then, Cause at first I was just like really mad at him, and then I was like, oh, you're like actually traumatized.

Regina: Yeah, and so he doesn't really like scary movies. 

Erica: Yeah. 

Regina: Hey Zach, have you gone to see the scary stuff? [00:17:00] I guess he went last week. He's overcoming it. Yes, he just confirmed that in fact he has, Did you see the haunted houses? Did you go in them? He said yes. 

Erica: All right. Cool. Beth, what's your favorite scary movie?

Elizabeth: I always liked the movie The Others. Oh 

Erica: yeah, I love that movie. 

Elizabeth: With Nicole Kidman? You know which one? Regina could probably stand that one. It's not too bad. 

Erica: Regina, you've probably seen part of it, because it used to be on TV a lot, I feel like. And she's got the two...

Elizabeth:  Oh, I know! We always We would torture, we would be obnoxious around mom with that quote, "the day that mummy went mad."

Regina: The day that mummy went mad. I, I have, I have seen that one. I have seen that one. 

Elizabeth: We would be super obnoxious around mom. The day that mummy went mad

Regina: Whenever we sensed. That she was [00:18:00] reaching the end of her rope with us and we'd mock her and say the day that mummy went mad. And now that, and now when my children mock me I want to, yeah, I don't know, karma.

I'm thinking of a movie that just reminded me of a scary movie that I do like. Is it What Lies Beneath with Michelle Pfeiffer? Oh, yeah. 

Erica: Harrison Ford. Harrison Ford, yeah. I really like that movie too.

Regina: Yeah, because I feel like he got What was coming to him for being a two timing piece of shit

Elizabeth:  Are you sure that's just juice, Regina?

Regina: Yay! He got what he deserved. He got what he deserved. 

Elizabeth: He got what he deserved. We all better drink to that. Amen. Okay, have you guys watched the other movie that has really like, [00:19:00] in fact, I think I had to turn away several times, was A Quiet Place. 

Erica: Oh my gosh, I saw that in theaters, which was so intense. So intense.

Elizabeth: And again, the little boy dies at the beginning, just FYI, and I almost couldn't watch it after that, but it happens right away, and so I was like, yeah, we were in the theater, I was like, well, I paid all this money, and now I have to sit here through the rest of this movie, but it is so tense. 

Erica: When she's giving birth, and she has to scream, I was screaming with her in the theater.

I think everybody was like, Gah! I remember seeing, um, the ring and this is a scary story. So we watched it, me and my friends, for my 13th birthday party. And we had it, this was when we lived in like, it was the second house we moved into. Like the house house with the big yard and the big basement. So we watched it in [00:20:00] the basement and then, A week later, it had been seven days.

I'm home alone and I'm calling all of my friends like, ooh, it's been seven days, you know, and nobody answers the phone. And so I turn on the TV and I don't know, the cable was out. It was a snowy screen. So I was like, Oh, that's weird. And then I turn it off, put the remote down, walk away. And then it turned back on.

I did not skip a beat. I walk, it was the middle of the day, sunshiny and nice out. So I just went outside and I sat on the front porch until somebody got home and I was like, I can't go in there. Um, I was tempting fate and it's really happening right now. So yeah, that was scary.

Elizabeth: We have to talk about Lake Lanier a little bit on this podcast because that's kind of the whole point of the podcast.

But so Regina has been to Lake Lanier [00:21:00] twice, I think. 

Regina: Two or three times. Thanksgiving and 

Elizabeth: we did a family vacation, uh, of Thanksgiving there. And then Regina went on the very first beta test of I 

Regina: did. I did. Very special.

Elizabeth: With my two little baby nephews. So she got to go on the very, very first maiden voyage, the maiden voyage of Lanier Ghost Tours.

So Regina, when you were at Lake Lanier, at any point, did you feel, how did you feel? Did you feel anything or did it just feel like a lake? There's no wrong answer. 

Regina: There's no wrong answer. 

Elizabeth: Yeah. We, we get a whole, we ask everybody this and some people are like, I don't feel anything. And some people are like, Oh yeah, I knew from the first second.

So where do you fall in that spectrum? 

Regina: I felt a connection by the bridge.

Elizabeth: Really? Wait, which bridge? Oh, the one, the Oscarville.

Regina: No, [00:22:00] we're the lady of the lake where they think she, Where they think she went over and yes, because after we got done with the tour, then I, and it was like, what's the 4th of July or something the next day.

And I was Googling her and there's just not a lot of information, right. And it was the 50s and I'm trying to Google because I just really feel like she was this young mother and she was out with her friend and they just disappeared and was at foul play. Did something happen to them and then they were tossed into the, you know, with their car with the car driven into the lake on purpose or did they just Crash.

And also what happened to her hands. Yeah. Why does she have hands? Yes. And so the friend was still strapped into the car, right? 

Elizabeth: Yes, she was. [00:23:00]

Regina: And then, and what was her name again? Delia? 

Elizabeth: Susie Roberts was the one who remained in the car. In the car. 

Regina: Right. And so her family got that closure. And was Delia's body ever found?

Elizabeth: It was found, her body was found first, but they didn't know we were missing that, right? Yeah. Her body was found first, but they didn't know that it was her. They never officially identified her remains. Never to this day. She's not been officially identified. They only identified her by default because they found the car with Susie Roberts.

Regina: Right. And they assumed. 

Elizabeth: Yeah. 

Regina: And, and the body when it was found, was it wearing a blue dress? Yet. And so, logic would say that it was likely her, have there, you know, if there had been an absence of other missing young women in blue dresses. 

Elizabeth: Yeah. 

Regina: And so, do we know why the family, or we haven't verified by the remains that we know are there through DNA?

Yeah, [00:24:00] no, we haven't. 

Elizabeth: Which we haven't. Right. 

Regina: Is it just like not wanting to disturb, like out of respect, or, I mean, would there have to be court orders involved? You know what I mean? Like, why have it? That's what I want to know. 

Elizabeth: One person on TikTok said, Delia Mae was my great grandma's first cousin. And there's so much more to the story.

Remember that? 

Erica: I saw that comment. And I was like, Hello, tell us.

Elizabeth: Tell us! she said she was she she wanted to get permission from her grandma to share. Right. 

Regina: Also, I hope I hope she gets permission and she can be a guest on the podcast because I'm dying to know.

Elizabeth: I hope so too on tick tock. Kristen Creates said, I used to work for the son of the funeral director that handled the body of the Lady of the Lake.

Did you know that they kept her body in a shed at the funeral home for a while before burying her? And then I said, what? And then she said, I can't remember which one, [00:25:00] but it was the one that was buried in Alta Vista. without a name until the family was found and they added her name later. So that would have been Delia Mae.

And then, um, and then she said they embalmed her and kept her in a clear sealer casket. Think giant Tupperware. And kept her there, trying to ID her. 

Regina: Kristen, we need to talk to you. 

Elizabeth: Mm 

Regina: hmm. Yeah. I just, I, yeah, that's, that's where I got chills, was the area where they think she went off, right? Because there, it used to be the highway that went into Yeah.

That went through the lake, right? But then the lake is there now. So that area that you showed us, that is where I got chills, because I was just picturing Yeah, picturing that happened and it made me think of what lies beneath because she was floating around in the water. 

Elizabeth: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's true So what about [00:26:00] before because you had been to Lake Lanier probably a year and a half before that So what about the very first time that you went to Lake Lanier before you knew any of this stuff?

How did you feel? 

Regina: So when I was there, too Was it two years ago now? It was two years ago now. It was for Thanksgiving. So it was fall. The trees were bare. Um, it was chilly outside. Still warmer than it is in Nebraska. So there was still some beautiful days, but it just isn't the beautiful summertime lake that you think of when you think of lake time on a boat, right?

And it was chilly. And then I remember because my oldest son was going out there and fishing late at night and the crack of dawn. You know, worried about his safety just around the water in the dark. We did go into the woods where my child lost his shoes. Yeah. He was traipsing through the woods and lost his shoes in the mud.

So I think that all lakes have [00:27:00] the capabilities of being creepy and here's why. Because you cannot see through the water. Yeah, it's murky, it's dirty, it's creepy, the trees are bare, the wind is cold. 

Elizabeth: So then your mind has to go places to, you know. 

Regina: we were staying in this beautiful lake house.

But at night, if you were out there alone, it's kind of creepy. 

Elizabeth: Yeah. 

Erica: it was creepy at night. I remember like at night, if I wanted to go smoke a cigarette outside,

Elizabeth: which you shouldn't be doing,

Erica: uh, whatever. And, um, it was very creepy. And I do remember, I guess I thought I, Was hearing stuff, but I mean, there's animals.

We were right next to the woods. So it's really hard to say. 

Elizabeth: Yeah, 

Erica: but I couldn't have known any of those stories yet. 

Elizabeth: Right. [00:28:00] So it does, I think it does have a different feel to it, you know, that time of year, that time of night versus yeah, I stay on a boat in the sunshine. Right. So next year though, next year on the tour, we will have a different boat that we can keep out later.

And we can do different things on the ghost tour. So I'm excited for next year because it'll be a little bit different. 

Regina: Yes. I like the idea of there being some darkness there. 

Elizabeth: Sunset tours and things like that. A little bit more. Yeah. 

Regina: Sunset tours. Yeah. Creepy for sure. 

Elizabeth: Okay. So I happen to have a few, um, questions here and I'm just going to rapid fire.

Okay. It's like rapid fire trivia, sister edition.
Erica: Oh dear.
Elizabeth: Ready?
Erica and Regina: Uh huh.
Elizabeth: Who is the most scared of ghosts?

Regina. Regina. Elizabeth. What?

Elizabeth: Regina [00:29:00] is the scaredy cat. Yes. Although I see what you mean. Um, who is the best cook? 

Regina. Regina. 

Elizabeth: Who is the most likely to survive a haunted house?

Erica. Erica. Yeah.

Elizabeth: Who is the least likely to survive a haunted house?

 Regina. Regina.

Elizabeth: Which sister is the most organized? 

Elizabeth: Is that me?

It might be you. It might be you.

It might be Elizabeth. 

Elizabeth: Uh, okay. 

Regina: It's not Regina or Erica.
Erica: It's not Erica.
Regina: You, you win by default, even though I would not describe you overly organized. 

Regina: Can we, can I offer a fourth answer? Our mother? 

Elizabeth: Well, yeah. Who is the messiest, Erica? 

Regina: Regina. 

Elizabeth: Her house is very clean except for her bedroom. Her bedroom. 

Regina: It looks [00:30:00] like a teenage girl lives in my bedroom.

Elizabeth: Yeah. 

Regina: Yeah. But the rest of my house I keep very clean. Yeah. 

Elizabeth: Yes. Who is the most skeptical about the paranormal? I 

Erica: think that's why I don't view you as being, I don't view you as being scared because I feel like you don't even really believe it. Right. Yeah.  

Elizabeth: Who is the funniest sister? Are, are any of us funny?

I don't know. I mean, I would describe us as funny. Erica is funny sometimes. 

Erica: I think I'm funny sometimes, but we all think each other are funny and other people think we're weird. 

Elizabeth: Yeah, well, that makes sense. Okay, which sister would be the best ghost hunter? 

Erica: Erica. 

Elizabeth: Erica. Who is the most likely to stay calm during a paranormal encounter?

Erica or Regina, I would say. Yeah. [00:31:00] Calm. Well, well, yeah, Erica probably, sorry. 

Regina: So, I'd freak out.
Erica: Beth would actually be screaming, so. 

Elizabeth: Okay, uh, who is the most adventurous? Yeah, probably. And 

Regina: Elizabeth. Yeah, 

Erica: Beth, you're adventurous. Beth.

Elizabeth: Um, golly, I'm a chicken.

Erica: You're just very vocal about it.

Elizabeth: Uh, who's most likely to cry during a horror movie?


Erica: Yeah. 

Elizabeth: Who is the best at telling ghost stories? Beth or Erica? 

Regina: Yeah. Doing what you do, Elizabeth. 

Elizabeth: Um. Yeah. Okay, each of us has to answer. If you could switch lives with one sister for a day, [00:32:00] who would it be and why? Erica, you first. I know who I'd switch with.  

Erica: I'd probably Beth because Regina has four children and you're also a nurse and all of that sounds hard.

Elizabeth: I would switch with Erica because. She just comes home to her quiet little apartment. Just live her little life however she wants. 

Regina: Well, I would have to say the same answer. Like, I agree with that answer. So everyone, I guess, wants to be Erica. But, um, I also wouldn't mind switching with you for a day, Elizabeth, because you have so much talent and you're so accomplished.

And it'd be, it'd be fun 

Erica: Yeah, it would be fun to play music and sing and not sound horrible. 

Regina: Yes! There, you nailed it. Nailed it, yeah. 

Elizabeth: Who is the biggest [00:33:00] troublemaker?

Erica, yeah, for sure. Probably Erica, yeah. 

Regina: And that is because she does not care about what other people think, yeah. 

Elizabeth: Who was teacher's pet growing up?

Regina: Mary Elizabeth. 

Erica: Yes, Beth.

Elizabeth: Which sister is the best at keeping secrets? I think we all suck at that. Oh, 

Erica: yeah, that's true. 

Regina: Like between the three of us? Between the three of us? 

Erica: Um, I think, I think we could keep a secret if we had to. 

Regina: I think there's a lot mom and dad don't know. 

Erica: It's true. Yeah, 

Elizabeth: that's true.

Regina: I think, I honestly think Elizabeth. Like if I had to pick one of us, like me and Erica are blabbermouths. 

Erica: Yeah, that's true.

Elizabeth: Who is the most likely to stay up all night binge watching a show? [00:34:00]
Erica: Erica.

Elizabeth: I was gonna say all three of us could probably, well, maybe not Regina. You could stay up till like 11. Yeah. 

Regina: I work, I, I could stay up all night.

When I was watching Outlander, oof, all night. Oh, 

Elizabeth: yeah. 

Regina: Yeah. 

Elizabeth: Eh. Um, who is most competitive when it comes to games or challenges? 

Erica: Probably Beth. Yeah, 

Elizabeth: probably me. 

Elizabeth: If you could visit any haunted location together, where would it be? 

Regina: So I just mentioned Outlander. So I'm thinking Scotland. Like all the moors. And Scotland.


Elizabeth: Yeah, timeslips. That would be a good one. 

Regina: We find those rocks that she went through time in and find the hot Scottish men for Regina and Erica. 

Erica: I, I do like that idea a lot, actually. 

Elizabeth: Okay. Hot Scottish men. Got it. Oh, Regina, you haven't told us, [00:35:00] you have to tell us a paranormal event or experience that has happened to you.

Regina: So my paranormal experience is very Disney washed and you're going to laugh at me. 

Elizabeth: I know, I know what it is, 

Regina: but I'm utterly convinced. Hand to God that it happened to me.
Erica: Oh, I know what this is.  

Elizabeth: We know what it is, don't we, Erica? 

Erica: Yeah, we know. Yeah. 

Elizabeth: The tooth fairy.

Erica: But I tell people about it. It's good.

Elizabeth: The tooth fairy? 

Regina: Yeah! The tooth fairy! I saw, so I must have lost a tooth, put it under my pillow, Waiting for my money and I look up and I see this pink bubble about this size floating going out the window. And it was so real to me to this day. Like I can't explain it any other way other than it actually happened.

Elizabeth: [00:36:00] Yes. Yes. 

Erica: I have told people that my sister has seen the tooth fairy. 

Elizabeth: I actually, I have actually told my children. When they were starting to doubt the tooth fairy, I was like, no, because Aunt Gina, she has seen her true and in the flesh . So, so don't doubt the tooth fairy. Uh, have any of us played a prank on each other?

What's the best plank prank that we have played on each other? 

Erica: Well, you and Deb used to terrify me on a regular basis. I don't think we really pranked each other that much. 

Elizabeth: Just when we were kids, I would just torture Erica with just different scenarios. 

Erica: Oh, I have one and I, I think about it sometimes when I have like, uh, when I'm standing next to a dark window, it was like a Wednesday night and for some reason I didn't go to church with you guys.

Me and [00:37:00] dad were at home and you, mom and Regina, Beth, mom and Gina went to church. Dad was downstairs on the computer and I was upstairs watching unsolved mysteries and it was like the yeti edition or bigfoot edition and You guys, like, locked your keys out. For some reason, you didn't have keys to the front door.

So you guys were walking around to the back door, and Beth climbed up on the log pile, and in those octagon windows where mom would hang her plants, Beth just Mac's the window and I could just see her hand and it was so loud and I was like, it's bigfoot. This is it I start screaming on the top of my lungs Dad is running up the stairs tripping over all this crap that was laying on the stairs and he's screaming and cussing And what the hell is going on?

And he's like Falling down the stairs and then running [00:38:00] up and I'm just sitting there screaming and then you guys are just outside the back door laughing And dad was like in the worst mood in the world after that because he fell like three times over like some roller skates 

Regina: I don't remember this at all

Elizabeth: I don't remember that either.

Erica: I just remember the the my heart dropping out my butt when I saw Beth just smack it and I'm like, like, I'm watching all this Yeti, Bigfoot, creepy. 

Regina: What was the reason for us not ringing the doorbell? 

Erica: I honestly have no idea. I don't know why you guys walked around the back.

Yeah. It was just, it just was that time, like how it worked out. 

Elizabeth: Okay. Well, everybody. Thank you for joining us today on Spirits Uncorked with Erica. Yeah. And our big sissy Gina.

Regina: Thank you for having me. [00:39:00]

Elizabeth: Gina Bonina.
Regina: That's right.
Elizabeth: Go to www.laniarghosttours.com and book a ghost tour before Halloween because the seats are filling up and use LGTHalloweenThings! for a 10% off promo code and that'll be in the show notes.

Follow us on Instagram and TikTok @LanierGhostTours. Thank you. Bye. 

Erica: Alright. Cool. We're so interesting. Love you. 

Elizabeth: Love you.

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