Spirits Uncorked: Under the Water
What is going on at Lake Lanier in Georgia? Apparitions, tragedies, & chilling encounters! Hosts (and sisters!), Elizabeth and Erica, uncork a bottle of wine and dive into the mysteries of Lake Lanier!
Spirits Uncorked: Under the Water
Episode 14 Teaser - "The Inspiration for Lanier Ghost Tours"
Talking about small business on this episode! Join us!
www.LanierGhostTours.com for 10% off at checkout through October, enter code: LGTHalloweenThings!
Digital artwork by Laura Horne
Theme song written/performed by Elizabeth Grimes
Theme song mixed/mastered by Billy Gewin
Episode 14 Teaser - "The Inspiration for Lanier Ghost Tours"
[00:00:00] And it just seemed like, wow, we have this huge mystery right here, right in my own backyard. This enigmatic body of water that holds so much mystery. And I just felt lucky to be there all the time. But I'd never seen, you know, specifically a ghost tour by boat. And once I kind of thought of that, it kind of felt like a no brainer.
Like there needs to be one of those at Lake Lanier. Why isn't there one at Lake Lanier? So, I thought I'd set about exploring this idea to see if it was something that maybe I could make happen.
You cannot start a new business in a vacuum. It takes so many people. So I feel really fortunate to have found somebody who I trust and who has my best interest and my business best interest at heart.
It makes me feel really [00:01:00] lucky.